+ From 14/11/2015 to 25/11/2015
+ Project: I cannot live without you / you will not live without me >>>

Teatro Sant'Alessandro / Teatro alla Grazie
Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII, 13
during convention "Gli Avvocati sono con le donne contro la violenza"
14/25 November 2015
video-performance by Laura Morelli
with Istituto Alberghiero "Sonzogni", Nembro/bg and Liceo Artistico "Manzù", Bergamo
organized by AIAF Lombardia sez Bergamo

Laura Morelli_as above, so below / Carlo Nicora general manager HPG23, frame da video
Laura Morelli_as above, so below / Luciano Bonetti president of Volley Foppapedretti, frame da video
Laura Morelli_as above, so below / Angelo Carrara predient of Confartigianato, frame da video

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