logo of word: LA MORE

lauramorelli is cycling from italy to ukraine like forrest gump. without luggage. Just the way i am. I rely on people of peace to live, to move, to arrive. I would like you to come too. Together. We are online 24 hours a day, every day on social ..



+ Ci&Co


Decalage project
by lauramorelli.eu
promoted by DI + onlus
IISS Ettore Majorana, Di + onlus, Fondazione Don Lorenzo Milano Patronato san Vincenzo Sorisole
with Barbara Grillanda_prof.ssa IISS Ettore Majorana, ..


+ WE-Hope

logo WE-Hope

The motivation of WE-Hope is to promote multiculturalism through sharing experiences of surviving crisis across generations, thus bringing ‘old’ Europe and ‘new’ Europe closer together in a common framework of hope for the future. 



+ game over


Decalage project

experimental workshop for ludopatics students and teachers by lauramorelli.eu _ IISS Ettore Majorana/Seriate,bg.IT _ ref. teacher Barbara Grillanda _ class 4EB
#gambling #videaogames #teenager #teachers #early school leaving #decalage ..


+ The Light City


What could the city be like in 2050? A place where people have actively taken back urban spaces that have been reworked for and by them, so that everyone in equal measure can use them. The Light City is a project that develops new visions and a ..






+ DNA dell'insicurezza


Decalage project
video workshop by Laura Morelli and Sara Luraschi
IISS Majorana Seriate/bg
Duration: 2 years

Safety at work is an increasingly topical subject. Training and awareness-raising on safety are tackled in the workplace with adults who have ..


+ SehenSucht


"SehenSucht" is an art installation comprising of three rooms and a corridor. SehenSucht was born out of the obsessive desire to see. The question we asked ourselves was: is Alzheimer a disease or a new condition of being?
The question has emerged in ..>>>


+ I cannot live without you / you will not live without me


Laura Morelli addresses the problem of gender violence.
Organized by AIAF Association of Lawyers for the family and children.
2014 I can not live without you, you will not live without me
2015 as above, so below>>>


+ emotICON

video frame

lab by Laura Morelli/artist, Sara Luraschi/videomaker

Online video production workshop in which students' free expression is activated using the means closest to their feelings: mobile phone, video camera, internet. 
The aim is to offer ..






+ a a a a


The public art project a a a a grew through direct contact with the world of Alzheimer’s.

A parallel world that initially generates fear, confusion and pain.

However, when attention moves to the emotional and creative aspects, this world reserves ..




the Rishi of Bangladesh

The Rishi, contemptuously called “Muchi”, are to be found all over Bangladesh, but perhaps their highest concentration is found in its south western regions. Mainly Hindu by religion, these people are placed outside of the caste system and ..>>>



graphic TRA ME

The objective of this project of participated art is the realization of illustrated stories. People who participate in the laboratory could perform other laboratories and form other people and other stories. It's a process that ..





Salamelle, wine and good company. You don't need much more to organise a pic nic.
The first one we organised on the river Oglio has gone really well, with luxury of unforgettable sweets
and photos on the website.
And, because of that ..>>>



survivor banner

art + robot + human being = a chair that walks using a recognizable behavioural model.

A common object that recalls the way that a person with crutches or a prosthesis walks, keeping in mind the victims of land mines. A machine that uses ..





MALAWIIII is a cultural event that combines modern art, music, photo reportage and sport for getting to know Malawi better.
MALAWIIII developed from the fortunate meeting between Di+, the Alleluya Band (a gospel music group of Malawi), Pang'ono ..>>>


+ A FIDO I wish you were here

installation detail / island THE BROTHERS

ISOLA is a triangle of earth between the Rivers Adda and Brembo. It is here that the project of public art, A FIDO I wish you were here, has developed. The theme of A FIDO is foster care, a legislative tool that temporarily allows minors to leave ..>>>


+ Floods. 10 floods for one city


The anomalous wave of contemporary art sweeps away the superfluous, the accidental, the useless reports and the stereotyped images to bring man back at the centre of the universe: from February 24 to March 25 the former church of Sant’Agostino in ..>>>


+ The Visitor Center

project drawings

Project for creating a museum in Vientiane/Laos.
Laos has a world record: the highest concentration of unexploded bombs per territory: one ton of bombs per person. COPE (Cooperative orthotic & prosthetic enterprise) is a centre of rehabilitation ..>>>


+ Pota

photo Giovanni Diffidenti

- A woman’s shameful part. A common way of stating: of course, without a doubt. It is also an extremely popular exclamation that we use. Capperi! Cappita! Cachitra! Cappiterina! - (Antonio Tiraboschi, Dialetti bergamaschi antichi e moderni (Old and ..>>>




In Potosí, the highest city of Bolivia, a Unesco heritage for the beauty of its colonial palazzos and for the history of its mines, there are 4.882 child-workers: minors that live their jobs as an indubitable necessity but also as a possibility of ..>>>


+ Bunker


Bunker is an original artistic project created by Laura Morelli, where public history meets with private micro-history. Created from the desire to face a theme of great current interest, this project offers the public a multi-faceted vision of the ..>>>